It was a great turn out with Ann and Neil, my cousin Trace and her daughter Bella (plus her Dad Luke came later for dinner), Shirley and Ken, Nicky with her daughter Zoe, Helen and Brian, Keren, Aunty Jean, Nana and Pops, and Max, Lilli and I.
We brought Daryl and Pavla back in and she was pretty surprised to find everyone inside. It was great. They the men went off to play golf and have a few beers while we girls got down to playing silly games and giving Pavla her presents.
One of the games we played was skulling races with baby bottles. Here are some photos. We pregnant ladies had non alcoholic punch in ours and everyone else had the real punch.
My Aunty Ann and Shirley racing (that's little Zoe on Shirl's lap).
Pavla watching on as Honey (Helen) competes.
Nana having a go.
Nicky with Trace beside her.
And Keren as well.
I only had 3 bottles so we had to do 3 heats to get our champion. In all the games I had a small prize for first and second place. Then when we had finished the other games we gave Pavla her presents.
Lilli and Bella drawing on Lilli's whiteboard.
After the men got back we all had a great BBQ dinner cooked by Max with salads and stuff done by me, Nana, Honey, and Keren. Thanks guys for all your help. Then after dinner we all relaxed and had a few drinks. Well, the non pregnant people had a few drinks that is. Later the aunties and uncles all convoyed round to Nana and Pops place to watch the rugby and Daryl, Pavla, Keren, Max and I stayed up for a while chatting before we all hit the sack. :)
Lilli and Bella sharing Lilli's car. :D
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