Friday, 15 July 2011

Say Cheese Baby

On Tuesday 05 July Lilli came up to me with the camera and lifted up my top saying 'I take a photo of the baby.  Say cheese baby.'.  Hahaha.  Sooo cute.  Later that day she said 'Nana's gonna growl.' too.  Hehe.

Here she is in her poncho that Doris got her.

And eyeing herself up in the mirror in her poncho...  :)

On 07 July my little mate comes out with 'Go way Mum. Go and boil the jug for me.'!  Ha!  Cheeky aye!  But very funny.  So I went off and made her a cup of 'tea' (milo - but she likes to call it a cup of tea).

08 July 2011

Oh, two little sleeping beauties.

On 11 July we were at playcentre playing shop.  Check out these cute videos...

In this one I am the customer.

And in this one Lilli is the customer.

On 12 July Lilli sat down on her potty and she said to me 'Poo came out and the baby came out.'.  Haha oh how close to the truth she is!!  I have no idea where that came from as obviously I haven't had the how babies come out of Mummy's tummy talk.  She is always saying that she has a baby in her tummy too and mybe she has just decided that other stuff that is in her tummy comes out when she poos so the baby must do too? 

13 July 2011

My cheeky monkey hiding in the curtains.

Having a relax on the bean bag.

And a giggle...

My day turned a bit to crap after these gorgeous photos.  So Lilli went off to Mum's again.  I was feeling light headed and really sick so had to have some tests done and another scan to make sure everything is ok.  They are doing more glucose tolerance tests to make sure that I haven't developed Gestational Diabetes. 

14 July 2011

Hiding with Daddy.

Couldn't resist a peek though.  :)

Tomorrow Uncle Ces is bringing the girls up to stay for the school holidays.  We will have both of them for one night and then Kayla is going to stay at Nana's and Casey will stay with us.  Lilli will be so stoked to have them here.

As for the pregnancy - my tests all came back ok and this morning I woke up feeling normal again!  Yay.  Everyone has decided that I must've had a virus for a couple of weeks.  Let's hope it doesn't come back!!

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