At playcentre on Monday, 07 March.
Having a ride in the 'drum' swing with a potential new little mate - Sarsha.
Going it solo...
Going for a train ride on Thomas with Kylie.
So, this child is soooooo horse mad!!! On Thursday, 10 March Nana, Lilli and I organised to go and catch up with Pavla (my cousin Darryl's girlfriend who is pregnant) for lunch. We decided to stop in at Manukau Shopping Centre for a quick look and to get some lunch to take with us from the supermarket. I hadn't taken any toys for Lilli so we headed round to the toy store to grab a couple of cheap toys for her to play with at Pavla's house. At the front of the toy store was a small merry-go-round with 2 horses on it. Well, that was it as far as Lilli was concerned. She didn't want to look in the toy store, or anywhere else, she just wanted to ride on the horsey. We paid for a few rides and then she wouldn't leave so we pretended to leave her behind - she didn't care. We carried her away kicking and screaming but she got out of our arms and just kept running back. We tried all sorts and in the end bribed her with a cheeseburger from Mcdonalds and promised to bring her back for another ride later. It was hilarious as we covertly whizzed her out of there whilst trying to keep the horses out of her line of sight. Very GI Joe. Anyway so then off we went to Pavla's where we had a lovely lunch and visit for 2 or 3 hours. When it came time to go home I was convinced that Lilli would go off to sleep in the car straight away as she was really tired but no, all she could talk about was going back to ride on the horsey!! Gosh she's got a memory on her!
Well after promising we'd take her back we decided that we would just stop in for a quick ride on the way home. I said to Mum that I wasn't sure it was such a good idea as we might end up stuck there for a couple of hours! Hahaha. Anyway we went back and she found the horsey and on she hopped. I think it was 2 rides that she had and then she was happy to get off and go back to the car and go home! How's that?! Funny little girl. At least she's good for her word aye!
We had to take Tommy to the vet for his vaccinations - I just had to get Lilli to get out of the box first!
Gorgeous girl totally knackered after another hard days play. :)
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