Monday, 13 September 2010

First Haircut!! First prang on the quad bike!!

Today we went off to Playcentre. Lilli had a go with the lawnmower. Cute.

Then she went to get on this little bike that belonged to one of the other little girls but it was sitting at the top of a small but steep hill in the playground and unfortunately the way she got on it she ended up going backwards instead of forwards. I was running to her but she rolled down the steep little hill and as I leapt for her the bike dug in and flipped and she ended up doing a bit of a somersault onto the grass. That was one of the scariest moments of my life so far! But I picked her up and all was ok, she didn't even really cry. Haha. Whew!!

The group activity was to make cookies and all the kids took turns to go up and decorate their cookie. Here is Lilli's one.

In the afternoon I took Lilli up to Jo's for her first haircut!!!

She was so good, she looked at books and magazines and licked her iceblock the whole time Jo was cutting her hair. She normally doesn't give littlies an actual style for their first haircut because it's usually too hard to keep them still but check out Lilli's below...

Today's new words were:

Bear - when we were looking at Maiah's pet magazine while she was getting her haircut.



Later that afternoon we were out at Nana's place and we decided to put the quad away for Pops before it rained so off Lilli and I went. Instead of going straight into the shed I thought that I'd just go past it and turn around to come back in so that she got a little more time on the bike. I reversed up to the gate going into the orchard and was trying to get it out of reverse so I let go of the right handlebar so that I could hold Lilli and use my left hand to hold the handbrake on as well as the foot brake while I heaved with my left foot to get in into neutral (it's very hard). As I was holding her with my right hand Lilli reached out and grabbed the accelerator but unfrotunately I hadn't gotten it into neutral yet. We shot backwards into the gate and I said 'Oh no, Lilli Lilli Lilli, no!! Hahaha. She let go and the gate was bent and the bike was bent but we were both ok.

How embarassing! I had to take Pop down and show him what we'd done. Could've been bad but it wasn't and I was covering her if the gate had come over the bike - it would've got me not her and that's the main thing. When Nana came down Lilli was telling her what happened and she held up her hand in the stop sign and said 'tohp!'. Anyway looking back it was really quite funny. :)

Having a lie down when we got home. I thought she would have pulled out the little pony tail by now but she didn't. :)

Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

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