We got Lilli's Christmas present and decided that we might as well give it to her early to save on the arguments when we try to bring her home after she's been down playing on the neighbours one!
She wore herself out!! :)
Also today, she opened a door by herself!
Lilli was in her car first thing this morning - she was in such a rush she wouldn't even put clothes on first. Haha.
Pop taught Lilli to do wheelies today. Just what I wanted her to learn! Then we went to the Wild Food Festival at the Matakawau Domain. Lilli had an absolute ball. She rode her first pony! I had to pay for 2 rides because she wouldn't get off and then after the second ride we had a major tantrum when I made her get off. Poor little thing. She is just so horse mad. Wonder where she could possibly get that from??!
Later at home she said 'Pop, doing poo, in sandpit.' What a crack up. And no, Pop wasn't doing poos in the sandpit. :)
Neeyah (her own version of neigh - this is also what she calls horses and ponies)
As of today Lilli wipes her own hands.
Playing on her outside toys.
Today Lilli said pain (painting).
How cute are these photos...
New word - stool
So no surprise that she's doing wheelies on her ride on toy today after Pops teaching her the other day.
New words:
New phrase:
Wees on potty
Occasionally she does wees on the potty before having a shower. We are not toilet training or anything but she is getting a bit curious about this potty thing.
New words and phrases:
Naughty bubba
Lilli can count to 5! All by herself. I think that is so clever. Plus she pats her leg and says 'Mama' - you know just like you pat your leg when you're calling a dog?! Hahaha. So cute.
Peace (and she makes the peace sign - mostly it's just her version of it but it's the thought that counts)
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