Friday, 13 August 2010

Car Keys and Squealing

Breakfast is always relaxed in our house. We take our time and I always let Lilli feed herself. She is getting quite good at it...

We went to Tots & Tunes today as usual and had a great time dancing and singing. Lilli's new thing is to squeal really extremely loudly when she's having fun (or angry or frustrated, etc). So today at dancing she's sitting in her boat with me singing Row Row Row Your Boat and she's really getting into it. Then when we get to the part where you go 'if you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream' and you scream she let out this huge scream and everyone in the whole room stopped and then cracked up laughing. So cute. Then on the second verse she got up out of her 'boat' and was up there in the middle of the floor and at the scream part she let out another huge scream and had everyone in fits again. :D When it was time to go Lilli and Maia kissed goodbye and hugged. It was soooo adorable. They are just so gorgeous together. The little mates.

After we had finished dancing and were having morning tea and the kids were playing with the toys Lilli brought a sesame street train over by me then she took my car keys and looked at them, found my car key and put it on the train and turned it!!! Wow!! Later at Nan nan's house she got Nan nan's car keys and did almost the same thing only better. She found the correct key and walked over to her motorbike and put the key in the hole at the top of the handlebars and then rode it into the kitchen where Nan nan was getting her a juice. Amazing aye!

Later still at Nan nan's house she went over to her Wiggles gumboots and stood there and slowly put one foot into her boot and then pushed down into it and then did the same with the other one!! I mean this wee girl is not even 18 months old yet!!! Isn't that just so clever?!

She has a favourite Wiggles song too and when it comes on she gets me up to dance with her. It's one that we first started doing at dancing and it's on the Wiggles Movie DVD that Mum has. So it came on this afternoon and she rushes over to get me for a dance. The song started and honestly she did every single action perfectly!! Even the 'bow to your partner' bit. I will video her doing it next time!!

About an hour later Pops arrived home and she says 'hi darling' to him. Hehehe. So along with Bye Dear, Bye Darling, Bye Daddy, she is now saying all those things with Hi in front instead of Bye. So sweet. Oh, and she can say lolly now too. ;)

Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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