Saturday, 10 April 2010

Moved into our new home but then had to go to hospital and back to our new home tomorrow.

We moved into our lovely new home on 01 April 2010. It has been a stressful few weeks for us which should now get better - or so we thought...

Cute little elephant jammies.

Playing with her buzzy bee - Pulling him along behind her for the first time.

A cute dress and shoes.

Ohhh... Another her cute dress and shoes.

I'll just make a quick call.

Lilli keeps taking the cover off the overflow. We have now stuck it on. :)

Playing with the hose.

First time walking on the grass!

And then everything went a bit pear shaped.

It hasn't been a good few days for us. Unfortunately on Easter Sunday I started spotting and had to go to the doctor. I was told to take it easy until I went for my 13 week scan on Tuesday. It was awful when I was told that baby had died. Lilli was going to be a big sister in October but now it will hopefully be later.

I went in to Middlemore for a procedure to remove the baby and I decided to have a spinal and stay awake so that I could still breastfeed Lilli. It was really terrible being awake but I just kept thinking of Lilli and that got me through. I ended up having to stay in hospital over night so Mum brought Lilli in to me and I fed her then she went home for a sleep. I came home to Mum's yesterday and have been taking it easy. We will go back to our house on Sunday.

It has been really hard on Lilli and she has become very clingy. She had to go home with Mum to sleep because she wouldn't settle in hospital with me. Then the next day she wouldn't even go on the boob because I think she thought that Nana would leave her in the hospital with me. Poor wee thing. Now she is unsettled and after already moving house and having all that going on she has had another upheaval in her little life. We will get through it and she will be back to normal soon though, I'm sure of it.

Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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