She is now 9.99kg which means she has lost a little weight since she started crawling and climbing everything in sight. Her little legs are much slimmer now which is freaky. She's still a good size though and still in the 85th percentile for length and weight. Her length is now 76.4cm.
Happy as watching Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka on the telly (her favourite program is In The Night Garden) and seated beside her are her own little Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka.
Kiss for Upsy Daisy or Makka Pakka (don't know which).
Having a dip in her wee paddling pool.
Ooh what's that hole?? (belly button found)
Pops and Lilli watching Upsy Daisy
Playing monkeys behind bars with Mummy
New highchair at Nana's house.
Today we were waiting by a park near the airport for Granty and Gruncle's plane to come in (they've been in Australia for a wedding) and there were two cars parked beside us. Lilli was watching them intently and then when they drove away she looked at Nan nan and said "gone". It was soooo cute!!! She's such a clever little monkey.
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