Sunday, 29 November 2009

Mummy got her hair cut

On Friday we all treked off to the hairdresser because Mummy decided that she has had enough of seeing her hair everywhere on the floor and having it tied up in a ponytail all the time! Lilli chatted and laughed away while we were there - she's just soo good. It took over an hour and she finally started getting a little grumpy towards the end because it was nearly lunchtime and she was hungry. I put her on the boob at Judiths (the hairdresser) and then we stopped for lunch on the way home. In the cafe she was so funny. She absolutely refused to sit in her highchair and kept going as stiff as a board so that I couldn't sit her down and get the harness on her. Hahaha Nana and I were cracking up. A few other people in the cafe were laughing too. Little bugger. Then we distracted her and got her into her seat and she was happy as and munched out on her lunch and chatted (very loudly) and banged things on the table. It was so cute - our loud little girl kept everyone entertained! :D

Mummy's new haircut.

Reading a book with Nana while taking a quick rest in her walker.

Ooh. The book has sounds of farm animals in it.

Lilli was not great yesterday. Poor little thing. I think she had sore gums and a sore tummy too. She is a little constipated at the moment and we are trying to figure out what is causing it. Aside from me stopping anything with cocoa in it we are looking at what Lilli eats to see if something is causing her to get a little blocked up.

Last night Lilli slept pretty good! I actually have nearly 4 hours sleep without interruption! Yahoo. I am going to talk to my naturopath, Aiden, to see if he can help with the constipation issue and also maybe even the sleep issue.

Here she is zooming around in her walker this morning while we were watching the All Blacks play France.

We went into Howick to day to get the second to last load of furniture from the other house. Cleaners are coming in next Thursday so we need to get everything out by then. Lilli played on the floors with Olivia and Jess (Bron & Lawrence's girls) and they were showing her how to crawl. She actually managed two 'steps' while we were all watching which was gorgeous. I think she'll be away soon. We stopped over to see Bron and Lawrence and co before heading home.

She stills love to jump.

Swinging on her jumper.

Pops cooked us a BBQ tonight and we ate downstairs. I brought Lilli's walker down and she zoomed around all over the place flat out. She had a ball! Crashing into poles and trying to go over the gravel to see the sheep. She ate some more dirt out of a pot plant and chased her ball around like a little mad thing. Sooo funny. :D

Lilli's latest achievements:

Get's on to her hands and knees from her bum and rocks back and forth.

Says Baa for sheep, Bir for bird, Ish for fish.

Is very vocal - yells and squeals a lot.

Calls me Mama.

Calls my Mum, Nan Nan.

Chases her toys in her walker and can run and jump in it.

She's like a little ballerina/acrobat/gymnast in her jolly jumper. :)

Has started voicing her opinion and refusing to do things like getting into her highchair or car seat, or lifting up her bottom so you can't put her nappy back on. :D

Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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