On Monday we went in and loaded up some stuff at the house in Howick and bought it out to the farm. Slowly we are getting stuff out. First we have to make room for it as the house at Avoland is much smaller than the one in Howick but we're getting there. At lunchtime Mum went to pick up Nana Dot as she has been staying with us this week. She has had lots of cuddles and laughs with Lilli which is great.
Lilli's achievements since returning to NZ:
Jumping constantly in her jumper - she's getting very skilled
Talking non-stop - mainly deh da ba and ma, dada lots and mama when she's upset or angry! :)
She knows how to growl now and went through a few days of growling us all the time
She knows how to shout which is hilarious when you're walking round the supermarket and shes yelling out to everyone!
She sits up all the time now and basically hardly ever goes on her playgym, prefering to sit up and play with her toys.
She loves music (as we all know). Now she has her Elmo guitar, bongo drums, and various toys that sing to her.
She dances when she's playing her guitar.
She plays catch with her ball and throws it back to you! Soooo clever!!!!
She plays peek-a-boo! She holds a blanket over her face while you go "where's Lilli, where'd she go???" then she pullls it off her face with a big grin and you go "boo!!". Hahaha. Just too gorgeous. :D
Weight: 8.8kgs
Will have to measure her and put it up next time.
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