We actually managed to have 3 fine days this week! Miracle! Hahaha. On Tuesday we had the same thing so I decided to try sitting her in the stroller without the bassinet. I figured maybe she was hot last time. We got up to the village and she absolutely wanted out so I had to stop and get her out and put her in the frontpack (thank goodness I took it and a sun hat for her just in case!). I ended up having to walk home with Lilli in the frontpack and pushing the stroller. It was stinking hot and I was completely wet when we got home. Fortunately Lilli was fine (not sweaty or even too hot) as she sits in the Merino section of the frontpack. Mummy just gets the usual backpack material in her side! Hehe. Then when Oma Doris arrived we went for a short walk and she cried again. I started worrying that she was over the stroller completely!
Then on Wednesday I put her in the stoller while she was asleep (without the bassinet) and went walking. When she woke up she stayed happily in the bassinet for about 15 minutes which was an improvement so I was happy. On Thursday I put her in the stroller and we went to the village lake which is about a 30 minute walk away. It was 30 degrees and by the time we got there we were pretty hot. I tried to put Lilli in to her swimsuit that I bought her in NZ and found that the pants won't go up her thighs and the top can't be zipped all the way up but we managed to just use the top. I wanted to take her in the lake for a dip but with all the rain we've been having it was really muddy around the edge on the side we were on so I decided against it. I couldn't be bothered walking around to the other side of the lake so we just played in the shade on a towel for a while, Lilli had a feed, and we walked back home.
Lilli lying on the towel before getting changed into her cool swimsuit (well half of it anyway)
Gorgeous little beach babe
Mummy & Lilli
Ohhhh..... :) In her stroller when we got back from the lake. On Friday I put a cushion under her Kiddopotomus head & body support that Daddy and I bought for her to see if that would help. We went off walking and she loved it. She was higher up and could see everything - plus she looked way more comfortable. Yay. :) When we got back home in the afternoon I put Lilli on our bed while I packed up a box of her clothes that she has outgrown and she rolled over from her back to her front!!! Sooo gorgeous. I put her back on her back and she rolled again. Then I ran for the camera to video her and of course she didn't roll again. Hahaha. I took a photo of her anyway.I am sending the box to NZ through the american army post thanks to Max's Dad. I did this last year when I was over here. It's so good for freeing up a little bit of room in the suitacases. Now that she's outgrowing her clothes I guess we will have to go shop for some more. ;)
Last night (Friday, 17 July 2009) Lilli was in bed by 9.30 so Max and I played cards for a while out on the balcony. At about 10.30pm the wind got up and a storm was coming so we went in to bed. I didn't get to sleep until 2am and then at 6am Lilli's respisense alarm whent off! I woke straight away and went running in to her with Max right behind me and Lilli was lying there with little squinty eyes like she had just woken up! Thank goodness. God my heart skipped a beat when the monitor went off and then it was going at about 1000 beats a minute. I don't know if she maybe knocked it during her sleep or if she actually stopped breathing. I think maybe she kicked her little legs up and knocked it a little or maybe the nappy wasn't quite tight enough. I hope. Anyway I turned it back on and she seemed fine and she went back to sleep. Of course though, after that I didn't sleep too good so I'm feeling a bit buggered now. :) I googled sleep apnea in babies and apparently most babies stop breathing for periods of up to 20 seconds from 0 to 6 months on occasion (scary). Still, I am so glad I have the respisense. Just the thought of anything happening to to my darling girl brings tears to my eyes. I hope she is being watched over by a guardian angel.
We went up to Barbera & Leo's for a beautiful lunch cooked by Barbera. I have told her again and again that she should open a restaurant as she is such a great cook. So we sat up there and ate and ate and ate. Home made bread, sliced meats, omelette, home made sauces, tomato & mozzarella, and the best apple strudel I've ever tasted to finish! I am full to bursting but very satisfied. :D
Lilli weighs 8 kgs. I will have to measure her again for the length.
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