Wednesday, 31 August 2011

15 - 30 August 2011

15 August 2011

Check out the two little mates again at playcentre.  They are so cute to watch as they develop their friendship.

And here's Lilli and Hannah being tigers.  :)

17 August 2011

Today at playcentre the kids were playing with slime.  Lilli has never played with it before so I asked her if she wanted to come and see.  Well she loved it.  She was making streaks with it and saying sticky wicky sticky wicky.  She says to me I'm going to get your shoes!  Sticky wicky.  then Lachlan started copying too.  When I asked her what she was doing she said 'I making sticky wicky .  Then all the kids started doing what she was doing.  So cute. 

18 August 2011

I asked Lilli 'have you got a runny nose?' and she replied 'yes, it's coming out this little hole here' as she pointed at her nostril.  Obviously I was in fits!  :D

Then at 2.45pm we went to Pukekohe for a photo shoot for the plunket photo competition.  It's done on community votes so we know that she wont get anywhere but it's a good way to get professional photos done of her for $10!  Check them out...

19 August 2011

Lilli in her new summer hat that Oma and Opa sent over for her.  Also in the package were some stickers, a colouring book, and other stuff.

22 August 2011

Our fire place was installed today!  Yay.  So we had a lovely BOILING HOT house as we had to burn the fire at full tilt to burn off the yucky new fireplace smell.  It was hideous and we had all the doors open until really late and the house was still super hot.  Anyway now we will have a toasty warm house without the power bill!  We are also lucky enough to get firewood from Mum and Willie.  Man they are good to us.

24 August 2011

At playcentre today the kids did volcanoes in the sandpit...

then played on the playground...

did a bit of building...

and Lilli and Sarsha ran around playing the pois.

I am 37 weeks pregnant today and HUGE.  Nearly there.  In some ways I want the baby to come early but I also want it to be late for Lilli's sake so that she has just that little bit of time with her Mummy to herself.  Although she is so frustrated wtih me not being able to run around and jump on the trampoline with her like I used to that it probably is better for her to have me 'thin' again.

25 August 2011

Mum came around today and bought lunch for us.  For a treat afterward Mum had a custard pie and I had a chocolate lamington without cream.  I had fresh cream in the fridge so I whipped it up and put it on the lamington.  Lilli saw it and decided to have a try.  She loved it and ate heaps of cream off the top.  Then she said 'it's got white and brown and some glitter'.  :)

Here's Lilli giving her 'baby' a bath.

30 August 2011

Here is Lilli with her backpack (like Dora the Explorer) ready to go off and explore.

Went to Cathi, my midwife today and mentioned to her that the baby has really slowed down over the last couple of days and I haven't felt much movement.  She sent me for a scan to make sure that everything is ok.  Was 37w6d and baby 7lb7oz.  Has big feet apparently and a smallish head (this is good!).  Tummy has been stretching all night tonight so it's getting bigger.  Hmmm.  Hurry up and come little one.  Meanwhile my gorgeous girl put up wall sitckers in her room today and also put up the new baby's ones in the baby room.  How sweet is that!  :)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Two weeks at a time... Until I catch up. 1 - 14 August

1 August 2011

Lilli said to me 'Need to call the doctor.  I hurt my arm.  You call Mummy.'  Then after I finishing 'calling' for her arm she decides to call for me and my arm.  Then she says 'Hello doctor.  You fix my leg?  I hurt it.  Ok  Thanks.'.  Hahaha.  How's that?!  She's such a character.  Today was a good day...

2 August 2011

Today was not such a good day.  I had a bit of trouble with Lilli in the car and when we were at the park the little bugger kept running away.  It's not such an easy job for me to catch up with her at the moment - what with the big belly and all.  Grrrgh.  :-/

3 August 2011

Check out my two little fairies at playcentre!!  So cute.  Lilli and her 'best mate' Sarsha.  Today was a bit exciting for Lilli as Daddy came to playcentre with us.  She thought that was pretty cool.  They built a small wooden aeroplane together in the wood work section.

It was the first time Lilli has wanted to play dress ups at playcentre.  Will be interesting to see if she's keen to dress up again next time.

Tonight we had Lorna and her baby Cody come and stay with us for the night.  It was so nice to catch up with them as the last time I saw Lorna was at Nana's funeral.  Poor Lilli is already getting out of sorts and I think it's because she just knows that my big belly means something's coming very soon and she's maybe not ready for it and knows she can't stop it.  This afternoon when Cody was asleep down in the spare room she went to go down to her room and I asked her if she could stay out in the lounge but she started going nuts and screaming that she wanted to go to her room.  I couldn't get myself heard over her racket to tell her that she could go down there if she tried to be a bit quiet.  Yep sure.  Anyway it all turned to custard and when I eventually got her to calm down we were very careful not to upset the apple cart again!  Hahaha.  Apart from that we had a really enjoyable afternoon and evening together.

4 August 2011

I am doing training through playcentre which when I complete all the courses will take about a year and a half off an early childhood education diploma.  Tonight is my first workshop for course 2.  I am going to try and complete all the workshops before the baby comes so have got myself on a pretty tight schedule.  We'll see how far through I manage to get.  :)

5 August 2011

I took Lilli to Jo's for a haircut this morning and Sharon was there with two of her kids, George who is nearly 2 and Chandler who is 16 weeks old.  Gosh time flies.  Seems like yesterday that he was 6 days old when we saw him at dancing the first time.  So anyway we ended up having a bit of a morning tea then when Sharon and the kids left Lilli, Maiah, Jo and I went into her salon and she gave Lilli her haircut.

Here's Lilli doing some work on the 'puter'.  Isn't her hair gorgeous!

 Up where she shouldn't be. 6 August.

10 August 2011

Lilli was into the dressing up thing again today at playcentre.  First she was a dragon and went around grrrghing at everyone...

Then she was Firman Sam.  Hehe.

On the 12th we popped out to Nana and Pops for breakfast as Graham and Fiona were up to stay the night before.  Lilli said to Graham 'Graham you're supposed to be a man, not a ratbag' when he was being cheeky to her.  We all cracked up laughing.  The things she comes out with.  Later today the tiler came to put down our hearth ready for the fireplace to go in next week.

13 August 2011

Here is Lilli on the new hearth.

Building a tower with her blocks.  She's getting pretty good at it.

Yesterday we went to The Warehouse and Lilli shopped with one of those little trolleys for kids.  She looked so cute.  Naturally we had to put some stuff in her trolley.  She felt very important and was so cute.