Friday, 30 July 2010

Catching Up With More Friends...

Was supposed to catch up with Ange today for a coffee but when I text her in the morning she said that her dog Coco had been killed! That put a bit of a damper on the day. Poor Ange!!! Her wee Coco had wandered over to the main highway into Rotorua and been hit by a truck! Obviously she didn't feel like going out which was totally understandable so I will try and catch up when we head home but it depends if Lilli is still awake when we get over that side of town.

Amanda popped round for a quick coffee and brought up some yummy blueberry muffins! Spoilt aye!! Dad was his usual cheeky self. :)

After that Lilli and I headed down to the post office to do a couple of jobs and on the spur of the moment I decided to go see my tenant Amy and her 11 week old baby Hayley-Ann. Oh she's just beautiful. A real cutie. It was a bit embarassing because I was still in my farm clothes as I hadn't intended to go anywhere. And of course just as I was about to leave Brett rang and asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch! We went to Palmers where we bumped into Amanda (again), Susie, Delton, Ticayla, and Sonia. We joined them at their table until they left and then had lunch. I spent the time before lunch running around the garden centre after Lilli who was running all over the show having a blast and then while I was finishing my lunch Uncle Ces ran all over the place after her!! Hahaha. She kept going for the in ground fish pond!! Man she is quick.

Wearing Mummy's hat.

Look who jumped into Lilli's couch after she went to bed!

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Catching Up With Susie, Delton, Ticayla, and Darrel...

Poppa and Lilli went off down the farm today and I stayed behind to clean the house. Then when they got back they went and sorted out the builders and got firewood and stuff. Meanwhile I vacuumed and washed the floors. After that Lilli and I went visiting. We caught up with Susie and the kids and even Darrel before he went off on a job. Lilli and Delton are so cute together. Susie and I always joke that we have them betrothed. Hahaha.

We had Dad's ute today as mine is in getting a service. It's so good having Lilli be happy to get in the car all the time. Of course it's a superb wagon to drive and travel in. I wish I could keep it. :) Alas, I can't. Check out how high up she sits...

I took Lilli to MacDs drie through to get her a cheeseburger happy meal and then went home to have lunch with Dad. Lilli loved her burger as usual but today I taught her to hold it herself!!! Check out the photo...

Late we went up to Tony and Annie's while Poppa was cooking our dinner (spoilt aye). Lilli was bossing everyone around again. Hahaha. We didn't stay long as it was nearly dinner time and Poppa was getting our dinner ready.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

So Much Happened Today!!

When we went to feed out this morning Lilli was doing her usual sprint down the hill and there was a frost so when she fell over her hands were freezing cold. I was wearing my tiny stretch fingerless gloves (yes they are a childs size!) so I thought I'd see it they would fit her and if she would wear them. Amazingly enough she kept them on! They were a wee bit big but they did the trick!

Bottom left eye tooth finally through again and it's for good this time. Meanwhile the right top and bottom ones have come through even more so they are definitely not retreating again. :)

I gave Lilli a drink of water in a regular glass today and she insisted on holding it so I let her. She had her first drink without any problems and then on the second go she spilt it down her front. Then on the third go she got it right again. Clever little baby!!! Talk about make Mummy proud!

Also today we piled into Poppa's GMC ute and went down Whakatane way to a few meetings and to pick up his timber for the bathroom floor in his house extention. First we went to the Thornton Sand Pit where Lilli watched a big truck being loaded with sand. She ran around and we got sand all through Dad's ute when we hopped back in. Then we went to Watchorns and then into Whakatane for lunch before going to pick up the timber. Lilli slept on the way home and she was so great. She never complained once about getting back into her car seat. Dad and I figured it's because the GMC is so big and comfy to ride in. Plus she is way up high in it and can see everything! :)

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Farmer Lilli!!! :)

Lilli and I went out with Poppa this morning to feed out to the cows and check on the sheep as it's lambing season. Lilli was so cute. I drove the wagon while she sat on Poppa's knee. When he got out to get the gates she would stand on the seat and hold on to the window while I drove through the gate. Of course I would have a hold of her as well to make sure that she didn't lose her footing.

When we were feeding out to the calves, I was throwing out the hay and Dad was moving the electric fence as he's break feeding the cows and calves, and Lilli started running flat out down the hill. Her little legs were flying! They could barely keep up. I called to her to slow down before she fell over and of course she went flying, landing flat on her face. I went running over but she just picked herself up and started running flat out down the hill again. Hahaha.

The we went up and did the cows. Lilli walked the fence line with Poppa while I drove down the paddock and fed out. After that we went round to make sure that there were no new lambs. Once we got back down to the barn we had to sort out a sheep that had twins and had another ewe interferring with one so that it thought the other ewe was it's Mummy and meantime it's real Mum had now rejected it. We sorted it out and will see in the morning if she's taking both lambs again.

Sitting on the couch and looking at Poppa's racing photos.

Sitting on Poppa's racing photos! Yes, I moved her straight after the photo and then I put the photos up where she couldn't look at them or sit on them. :)

At about 5pm we popped round to Brett and Michelle's to say hi to Michelle, Kayla, and Casey. Josh and Brett were at rugby training so we didn't see them but it was nice to catch up with the girls.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, 26 July 2010

Yes, Two Teeth Are Back Through. :)

Yes! Two of Lilli's teeth have come back through! I hope this time they are going to stay that way!!! It looks like they will because they have come through a lot more than last time. So I guess we can officially say that her bottom right eye tooth and upper right eye tooth are through. Let's hope that in two days I'm not saying that they've gone up again! Hahaha. Not gonna happen this time. Surely!! Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Nan nan Has Become Nanny!!! & Lilli's teeth have gone up again!!!

We went to Tots & Tunes for the first time in 3 weeks due to Lilli being sick and then it doesn't run in the school holidays. Max wasn't working so he came with us which was awesome. He got to see Lilli dancing. Only problem was that she was really shy. Not how she normally is that's for sure. Must've been cause she hadn't been for a while. Hahaha. At least he got to see what it's all about.

Gorgeous outfit!

Look at me Mummy!!!

Whoops, down she goes...

Quick check by Daddy...

And getting back up for another go. :)

Doing a quick mini vacuum for Mummy.

Hmm, what does this red button do??? :)

Arrrrrgggghhhh, Lilli's teeth have gone back up AGAIN!!! Poor wee girl. It's soooo annoying how they seem to have popped through the gums and then they retract again. Frustrating as all hell actually, so imagine how it is for her... :(

Nan nan has definitely become Nanny. Much to her disgust! At least for now anyway. Hahahaha.

Max and I went to do the grocery shopping and then he vacuumed my car for me while I got all Lilli's and my stuff ready to take to Rotorua. What a sweetheart aye! Lilli and I are heading down to stay with Dad for a week or so. Will be nice to spend some time with him as we haven't had much time with him since before he went to Aussie for his 3 month tiki tour. Then on Sunday it's his birthday so we will be staying down there and Max will come down for the weekend. :)

Sitting on the couch as large as life - in Mummy's seat no less!

Looking at the flowers that have popped up in her fairy garden.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Her Teeth Have Come Back Down

Yesterday Lilli grabbed the carwash brush that I had put out to dry after washing my car last Sunday. Actually I had forgotten to mention that. Lilli was so good, most of the time that it took to wash the car she was playing inside and watching me. Obviously she really took note because when she grabbed the brush she started 'washing' the car with it! Hahaha. Then she took it and 'washed' a few other things as well. Sooo cute. And so helpful!

So Lilli's teeth have come back down which is great. Now Lilli has both the top and bottom right eye teeth again and the bottom left eye tooth. Hopefully the left top one will come back down quickly too. It's a bit hard to check though because she just loves to bite my finger when I'm trying to feel. :)

I made my little treasure pasta for lunch today and she was really enjoying it. She decided that she didn't want me to feed her, she would feed herself... with her fingers!!!

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Quick Visit With Nan nan & Mi mi

I took Lilli out to Mum's place today so that we could see Mimi the cat and feed the baas and moo. We have decided that the cat should be called Mimi seeing as Lilli says mi mi(for miaow) meaning cat. So Mimi comes when you call her name and she is really tolerant of Lilli. She has learnt a bit to stay away when Lilli's around but she also loves her food too much to stay away when we offer her a couple of cat biscuits so that Lilli can play with her. Hahaha. Poor cat. Lilli sometimes gets a bit excited and is a bit rough but mostly she's gentle as long as we keep reminding her to be. I must get a photo or video of them together.

When we were walking around outside there was a bobcat working at the farm. They were moving some dirt around and fixing up the gateway and Lilli was watching it. I said to her to watch out and be careful because the machine moves fast and she said 'chine' clear as a belll. Then I said yes the machine is called a bobcat and she said 'bobcat'. Then I explained that it is moving around the dirt and she said 'dirt'. Also very clearly. Then when she tripped she said 'oh gee'. Hahaha. So funny. Amazing, all those new words in one day.

When we were inside Lilli was wearing my shoes around. She's also wears Pops slippers around when they are by the door. :)

Standing in the pantry, eating her biscuit.

Sitting on the pillow on the couch with one of her snuggle blankets watching tv.

I was listing some things on Trademe (an auction site similar to Ebay) for Mum and I asked her to measure two vases that she wanted to sell so she did. Lilli watcher her do it and then went and got the tape measure from Mum so that she could go and measure it too. I tried to get a video of her measuring it but of course was too slow so had to ask her to do it again. Check out the video. Sorry it's up the wrong way! My fault. :)

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, 19 July 2010

Lilli's New Teeth Have Retracted Back Into Her Gums!!

Arggh teeth are so frustrating!! Two of Lilli's teeth have retracted back into her gums. This has happened with so many of her teeth the poor wee girl. So now, it could take anywhere up to 2 weeks for them to come through again. Talk about extra pain!!! Poor darling.

Climbing in the cupboard yesterday morning before we left.

Yesterday we had a family day out with Nan nan and Pops. We all piled into Nan nan's car and went out to the Hunua Falls. Lilli had a ball. The only problem was that she kept trying to go in the water and when we tried to steer her away or hold her back she kept throwing a fit! Hahaha. We had a walk around and went up to the lookout and then when we went to get back in the car we saw that Lilli's ugg boots were soaked through and so were her socks so I put them up on the dash of the car to see if they would dry on the drive to the Franklin Zoo.

The Hunua Falls.

Mummy, Lilli, Nan nan, & Pops in the photo frame at the Hunua Falls.

Our little family at the Hunua Falls.

We stopped at MacDonalds on the way and took a picnic lunch to have at the zoo. When we got there Lilli's socks still hadn't dried and last time she wore her leather shoes without socks she got a nasty blister so I took off mine and put them on her with her little shoes. Luckily they weren't thick socks otherwise we would never have gotten her shoes on. Lilli ate most of her MacDonalds in the car on the way there but we sat down and ate ours while Max followed her around. Then he ate his and Nan nan and Pops followed her around. After that we walked around the zoo and saw all the animals. Lilli loved the pigeons the most because as we fed them she got to run into them and have heaps of fun. We didn't think she would ever catch one but then she went in really fast and stood on one's tail and a feather came out when it flew off! Hahahaha. Sooo funny! :)

I just can't figure out why the photos taken with Mum's camera wont go the right way on the internet.

Here's Lilli with the pigeons.

Tonight we were at Nan nan and Pops' house for dinner and after dinner we were marvelling at how much exercise you would get if you did half of what Lilli does. So I decided to copy her for a while and see...

Here are Mummy, Pops, and Lilli doing exercise together. Mummy was copying Lilli to see how exhausting it would be and then once Lilli saw what was happening she got Pops to join in. Then she got Nan nan too although she isn't in these photos. Dad dad was on the camera.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers