Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Baby shopping again!!! :-D

Well the lovely singing lion that hangs on Lilli's playgym has just about done his dash. The batteries (if he has any) are on their last legs and he sounds a bit sad now! It's terrible because it's Lilli's favourite toy!! I took him up to Oma Doris to see if she can cut open his head (I know it sounds awful! haha) and do some brain surgery (ie. see if he runs on batteries) and then stitch him back together. I have left him in her capable hands but in the meantime I think I will have to try and find something else to take his place. So... On Friday, 26 June, we (Mummy, Opa Al, & Tante Christa) went to Freilassing to the baby shop called Babywalz. It was an awesome shop - I have never seen so many different types of stroller! Honestly, if I had to choose a stroller from there I would have had to camp out in the store for 2 weeks before I could make a decision. As it was I took about 2 hours to decide between the 5 or so that had the features I wanted in Babycity. There would have been about 50 at Babywalz I reckon. Hahaha. They were cheaper than in NZ too even after converting from Euros to NZ Dollars! Max told me that the Maclaren isn't cheaper here though - it's around 300 euros - so that's good to know. :) So we went to Babywalz to see if they have head/neck supports for Lilli's carseat because I forgot our one in NZ! Plus Doris had asked us to see if they have bouncinettes because she wanted to get one for Lilli. Well Opa Al went off to check out the bouncinettes while Christa and I tried to find a new musical toy to hang on Lilli's playgym. We found a cute Octopus that plays a lullaby and has crinkly stuff in his tentacles and some rattle while others have a squeaker in them. I also got a bar that goes over either a carseat, stroller, or bouncinette, which is cool. Meanwhile Opa Al had his eye on a bouncinette/rocker which he got and Lilli loves - it's so cool. Tante Christa bought a gorgeous squeaking lamb toy as well. Lucky Lilli! When we came out poor Lilli was so hot that we stripped her off and I breastfed her in the back of Al's car. It was almost 30 degrees today in Freilassing. We have been having thunderstorms and rain almost every day so it was actually nice to see the sun - shame it was too hot in Freilassing though. It was much cooler back at home in Anger. Lilli telling Daddy all about what we got.

On Saturday, 27 June, we went up for a family lunch at Doris & Als and Lilli was very well behaved as usual! She's so good. Then after lunch we went to Austria to see Lilli's Austrian great grandparents for the first time. They were totally awed by our beautiful girl and she was a little honey until she got a bit overtired. She also got to meet Max's Stepmum Birgit who was lovely and we met one of his half brothers Phillip who is another auncle for Lilli - obviously. Very nice people. Max's Dad couldn't make it because he had to work.

Lilli with Oma Hanne

with Onkel Phillip with stepOma Birgit with Opa Luggi Tired little baby... After Austria we came home and got ready for our BBQ with Toby and Evie. It was great - the food was spectacular and Lilli was her usual happy gorgeous self. I ate a Strawberry flan and hoped like hell that it wouldn't affect Lilli now.

Here she is in her new bouncinette/rocker!!

Having fun with Toby & Evie. On Sunday we walked down to Aufham bridge and back and talked about what we are going to do. Max is coming to NZ for a couple of years to be with us which is fantastic! :D Then on Sunday afternoon Lilli was not too good - I'm sure she had a sore tummy so NO MORE STRAWBERRIES FOR ME! :) Poor little darling. She finally settled down a bit after I gave her some Pamol but honestly I couldn't wait for her to go to bed so she would feel better.

Check out this gorgeous outfil that Oma Doris got.

In her bouncinette/rocker Taking water from a teaspoon on one of the few recent hot days. She's so clever she was almost doing it by herself!! Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Lilli turns 4 months old!!!

Well Doris and I hung out all week. We went on long walks with Lilli pretty much everyday and had lunch together. It was great fun. The weather has been nice and warm even though we have had a couple of cloudy days. On Friday Doris, Lilli, and I went shopping for a couple of summer singlets for Lilli as she has outgrown her ones and the next size up that I brought over from New Zealand are too warm for this weather. Plus we wanted to get something to take over for Moritz tomorrow. We went to a factory outlet shop for Stummer in Freilassing which is about 10 minutes drive away. What an awesome shop! We ended up getting about 6 gorgeous singlets for Lilli, plus a little marine style dress, a gorgeous little jumpsuit, some cute pants, and a couple of hats, all bought by Oma Doris. I got a couple of cute sleepsuits and a hat for Moritz and then we shot back home. It was raining something shocking when we got home and fortunately Opa Al met us at the car with an umbrella and took Lilli inside. On Saturday it was raining and yucky so we stayed at home and blobbed. After lunch it was still gray and drizzly so Max did jobs around the house and I braved the weather to go for a walk with Lilli well wrapped up and cosy. This is Lilli on her playgym just out of bed after she has pulled off her blanket and pulled up her nighty! On Sunday we went to Michi and Nadine's place in Bayerisch Gmain, near Bad Reichenhall, to see their new wee bundle of joy Moritz. He was so tiny and absolutley gorgeous. Was born on 11 June weighing 3.450kg and 55 cms long. I thought that he wouldn't be that small seeing as he was so long at birth but gosh he made Lilli look huge. Actually we were telling them how it was just like when Susie bought Delton to see us when Lilli was just born and he was 3 months old. Anyway here are a couple of photos of him. With proud Mummy... Moritz... Ohhh what a cutie! With Nadine's sister and Max holding Lilli
Our wee baby turned 4 months old today! Ohhh my little sweety is growing up so fast! It's still Monday here in Germany even though the blog says I posted at about 1 in the morning on 23 June! I don't know how to change the time on it so nevermind. :) We had breakfast over at Tante Christa's place with Oma Doris and Opa Al but then I had to bring the little princess home to breastfeed her! She is going through that phase of not being able to feed with any noise or distractions! This makes for difficult feeding unless I go somewhere quiet with no people or disturbances around. Hahaha. It can be sooo entertaining watching Lilli perform until she gets peace and quiet. She's either like 'ooh what was that?', 'was that someone talking to me?', or 'hang on Mummy I just want to stop and gaze at you adoringly' (I like the last one best!!). Otherwise sometimes she will just 'yell' at me until I take her to a quiet place. Hehe. She's just such an adorable baby, and still so very well behaved. I'm very proud of her and I just can't find words to describe just how much I love and adore her!!
Here she is in the bath playing with her little yellow rubber ducky...
Here you can see that Max was changing her. :) Watch her take her favourite toy and bring it to her mouth. So clever!!! Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The big walkers!! :D

Last Wednesday night we went to Max's friend Chris' birthday party. I caught up with pretty much everyone we were hanging out with last year which was cool. Then Max took Lilli and Mummy home and went back to the party. Thursday was a holiday and Doris organised for everyone to come to our place for a pot luck lunch so we had a feast and then hung out and lounged the afternoon away. It was great and Lilli loved being cuddled and playing with her Oma Doris, Tante Christa, and Tante Barbera, etc.

On Friday Lilli and I walked down to Aufham (next village) and then back up the other side of the autobahn past Ernst's house and back over to Anger.

On Saturday went up to Oma & Opa's house for a yummy lunch and then Max went home and Doris and I took Lilli for a walk around Anger before heading home.

Check out the gorgeous outfit!! Ohhhh...

With Nana Doris - in her cool sunnies. Lilli on her new play mat In her bumbo chewing on one of her new teething rings With Opa Al

On Sunday Barbera organised a family lunch and we all met up at a guesthouse (restaurant) up near Doris and Al's house. Max, Lilli, and I walked up which was lovely but man it was hot!!! The temperature has increased here and we are now up in the mid 20s most days.

With Uncle Al who is wearing a traditional Bavarian outfit as he is off to a festival after lunch.
This week Doris is on holiday so we will be hanging out heaps. Yesterday we went shopping and then had lunch with Doris, Al, & Onkel Al which was nice. Then Doris, Lilli, & I went for a walk. We went through Anger and down to the lake, walked around the lake and then back up to Anger and home. There are so many great walks to go on around here. I will be fit when I get back, that's for sure. :D
On the bumbo again, yesterday, 15 June 2009 when we got home from our big walk and on her playgym 15 June as well
Well that's us up to date so see you next time.

Lilypie Breastfeeding PicLilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

What a trip!!!

You know, I've travelled back and forwards across the world several times but the trip has never seemed so long as this last one with Lilli. Don't get me wrong, she was so well behaved. Hardly cried and was really lovely, but the poor little thing didn't sleep and got quite bored so I was taking her back and forth to the toilet not only to change her nappy but also to give her something else to look at for a few minutes! :) On the Singapore-Munich leg she managed to sleep for about 5 hours when she wasn't being startled awake by the air crew preparing the meals or by a naughty little Russian girl who screamed when she got a growling from her mum for being naughty - which was about every 1/2 hour. I guess she was bored too. Anyway here is a photo of Lilli in her bassinet on Lufthansa. Their bassinets were great, much bigger than the Singapore Airlines ones.
The photo is not as good as I would like but it was dark on the plane and my flash disturbed some people so I though I'd better not push my luck and do another photo. Haha.

I was totally exhausted when we got to Germany as I had to walk Lilli around the whole time we were in transit as she was overtired and just generally sick of it all I think. So was I! Honestly, I was over it before we even got to Singapore and we weren't even half way yet.

But we got to Germany finally and Daddy was waiting for us with a beaming smile when we walked out which was great.

Lilli didn't sleep very well the first few nights and I actually took her to the doctor on Friday as I wanted to make sure that everything was okay with her. She hadn't had more than 8 hours sleep in a 24 hour period for 3 days and I wanted to make sure that her ears and everything were fine after the flights. She has been very snuffly and her breathing is not great at night as well so I wanted to get that checked and make sure that she wasn't getting bronchiolitis again. We are putting saline drops in her nose before every feed and Otravine 1 drop per nostril at night until her mucus settles down a bit but other than that the doctor said she was fine. Also the doctor is a lovely pediatrician and so we will be using her while we are here. She will be giving Lilli her 5 month immunisations as well.

We have set up Lilli a little alcove off the lounge in Max's flat - see photos below - however, she is still in with us at the moment. I want her to get used to being here and get her sleeping a bit better before leaving her in the alcove because at the moment she is sleeping so lightly that every noise on the tv disturbs her. Shouldn't be long before she's right again though. She's already sleeping 7 hours again now. We did have her in a portacot that Max bought but after these first terrible nights Doris and I decided that maybe she needed to get back into a smaller bed until she comes right a bit and feels more secure. So then Barbera told me that I could use the cradle that she still has and now we have set that up and Lilli is already sleeping much better. She loves it.

Mummy putting Lilli to sleep. Dribble dribble. ;) Daddy & Lilli.

Lilli in her portacot.Her little alcove.On her new playgym. Doris bought a gorgeous stroller which has a bassinet for us and we are out walking everyday - weather permitting of course - and so far we have only missed 2 days which is great. It's a fantastic stroller! We are very spoilt!!! :)

Speaking of Oma Doris, here is a picture of her with Lilli.

And Mummy with Lilli.

So we have spent this first week just getting over the trip and getting settled in. Now we will have to start visiting everyone and getting out there.

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