Lilli has been having sore tummys so we got som naturopathic medicine for her. It seems to be helping and calms her. Mum & I took her for her 6 week check and immunisations on Tuesday 1 April. It was awful! Poor little thing!! Mum held her while they gave her an injection in each little thigh. Poor Lilli screamed in paid and I sat there and cried! Mum had tears in her eyes too. It really was terrible. I put her straight on the boob and she calmed down but she was unsettled that night and the next day, wanting to feed all the time and just take comfort from the boob. It's the first time I've given her pamol (painkiller for babies). On a good not, my cousin Tracey had her baby today! Bella Ann Wilson, 8lb5oz.
We went to Waihi beach for Easter weekend which was great. Lilli went in the wrap and even fell asleep in it! There's hope for me using it on the plane yet. ) She has also now decided to dictate which boob she should be on! She was fidgeting and being a pain on my left boob and kept stopping to cry so Helen said to me that she wanted the other boob. I was like, no she doesn't! I tried swapping her over and wouldn't you know - she drank straight away!! Little bugger. Hahahaha.
Here she is in her wrap.
Four generations together. Nana & LilliIsn't this a cute photo... I was feel really lonely when Lilli goes to bed and am really missing Max! Am keeping busy to try and feel better. Am having dinner at my brothers places and friends about 3 nights a week which helps. Spend a lot of time at Toot and Annies. Miss my darling though.